
Urinalysis Reader
The Insight Urinalysis reader is a semi-automated urine test strip reader with a touch screen and printer to be used in conjunction with InSight Urine Test Strips. Simply dip the strip into a sample of urine, place it on the strip loader, and have your results in 60 seconds!
Product Highlights
- Urine, Protein, and Creatinine results and ratios in 1 minute
- Microalbumin and Creatinine results and ratios in 2 minutes
Strips Available
MS-11 Strips
- Urobilinogen
- Blood
- Glucose
- pH
- Bilirubin
- Protein
- Ketones
- Specific Gravity
- Creatinine
- Nitrate
- Leucocytes
MS-2 Strips
- Microalbumin and Creatinine
- With Microalbumin/Creatinine ratio