
Micro-Cell 5+ VET
Hematology Analyzer
The Micro-Cell 5+ VET is an easy-to-use veterinary hematology analyzer that reports a true 5-part CBC differential. Results include 25 parameters with 2 histograms and 4 scattergrams.
Product Highlights
- Manual and Auto-calibration
- Automatically monitors onboard reagent status
- Multiple maintenance and self-checking functions
- Auto-cleaning of probes and tubing
- Stores 60,000 results with scattergrams and histograms
- 10.4-inch touch screen, supports mouse and keyboard
- Customizable printout
- L 17in x W 14in x H 17in
- Tri-angle laser scatter, advanced flow cytometry
- Independent Basophil channel
- Impedance method for RBC, PLT counting
- 25 parameters with 2 histograms and 4 scattergrams
- 20µl sampling volume
- Process up to 60 samples per hour
- Suitable for running joint or abdominal fluid
- Built in thermal printer and supports external printer
- Optional bar code scanner